How do you know if you are or are not making the most of your time spent cleaning your teeth?
Have you ever wished away that staining? Do your gums worrying you? Rest assured, this is what a hygienist is for.
Hygienists are specially trained and dedicated to help you to maintain your mouth in the best possible condition and here at Ferring Dental Practice we are delighted in our hygienists who are passionate about caring for you.
They take the time to coach you so that your toothbrush can do what you hoped it would by gently removing the build-up of calculus and possible staining that may accrue between your last hygiene appointment.
Beautiful and clean teeth are key to the way we look. This in turn affects how we feel about ourselves and how others see us.
Following your consultation, whether this is your first ever at our practice or you are a regular attender, if the dentist feels you could benefit from their skills then our front of house team will be able to assist you in finding a suitable appointment.